From Snow Shoveler to Multimillionaire, San Diego Jewish World

From Snow Shoveler to Multimillionaire, San Diego Jewish World

His first job was shoveling snow for $2 a day. On the second day, he found two neighborhood kids to do the job for him for 50 cents a day each. He pocketed the extra dollar. Next, he worked in a sweatshop affixing linings to the inside of school bags. He made $28.50 a week at that job until he offered to also clean the toilets. That brought his paycheck to $30.


—Donald H. Harrison
Editor Emeritus, San Diego Jewish World


Best Narrative Business Book of 2021, strategy+business Magazine

Best Narrative Business Book of 2021, strategy+business Magazine

Bethany McLean writes, “Each word in the lengthy title of Holocaust scholar Joshua M. Greene’s wonderful new book resonates in the finely wrought text: Unstoppable: Siggi B. Wilzig’s Astonishing Journey from Auschwitz Survivor and Penniless Immigrant to Wall Street Legend. That is why this compelling tale of suffering, persecution, and triumph is the best business book in the form of a historical narrative this year.”

Read the rest of the article here.